Week 5 Replay: Topic Tuesday

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Exclusive content and guidance for those on our Columns of Connection course.

: Here’s your replay of our Tuesday session where we talked about transferring guidance into pictures and words and we lean into our ability to dream freely and with the help of our visions boards on Wednesday 8.30pm manifesting and tapping into the law of attraction too...

Allow yourself to day dream...then collect your images, words, sayings this week, what do you dream of Mind, Body, and Soul/Heart.... and why?

Please also see your other resources from today's session below the video...

The book I referred to today is a beautiful read and a lovely guide too...


Rebecca Campbell- Rise Sister Rise...

Here is your song for the week- A million dreams- The Greatest Showman...


Here is this weeks affirmation for you and a few more that may feel good to you...

Here is this weeks journal prompts...

Here are you guests for this week... please try to attend , you don't want to miss this in person experience...

Here are the oils that you may find support this part of your journey, and each time you cycle around to this time again in the future as we journey forwards...

Here is a little more info on the chakra we are visiting this week..

And here is the beautiful meditation for the week....


See you on Wendesday my loves

Much love,

Be Well, and know you are safe....

Rachel xxx